Our Story
We don’t have your typical passed down generational family farm. Here we did things a little backwards. Our family started in the suburban area of Chester Twp. Together Cindy (AKA Umma, from Ummas Pantry) and Charlie (AKA Farmer Charlie) raised a family. The oldest daughter, Melissa always had a deep love for horses, and when she was finally old enough she rescued one, very frail, unhealthy, and unwanted Melissa was determined to give this horse a second shot at life. With no real knowledge of the horse’s past, she set out on a crazy adventured that truly began where we are today. After much research we found out the horse’s name was West Bound Dream and the granddaughter of Secretariat. She soon became known as Dreamer and very quickly became and inspiration for Cindy, Melissa and Charlie to leave Chester and buy a small family compound where we could have the growing collection of horses Melissa had acquired. Our new home became Dreamer’s Estates in honor of the horse that started it all. To many that was a great dream acquired and a happy ending for everyone especially the horse that nobody wanted, but you see we couldn’t just stop there… so we didn’t.
What started out as a few baby chicks just because we could quickly developed into multiple coops and well over 50 chickens that bring farm fresh eggs to your table everyday.
Once Melissa settled in with the horses, Cindy and Charlie finally had time to build their dream log home next door. This process took a few years and in the meantime small hobbies like 5 chickens, and a few tomato plants started to grow into a passion to see what else we could do. Those of you that were here with us in the beginning remember the small red egg hutch at the end of the drive. Then as the years went on the summer months went to a large wheel barrel of fresh produce and then 1 garden turned from 1 small to multiple large. The next addition we needed was a greenhouse. Once we built that we now dabbled in floral and herbs. Farmer Charlie “retired:” and Melissa began to learn the green thumb trade, naturally Umma had much fresh produce to jar and the secret recipes’ you know and love became a staple in our homes. We took a step back and realized this wasn’t a hobby anymore, it was a full fledged business, and one we grew to absolutely love. We opened the store front on the property to host all of Ummas delicious jarred goods, and all of Farmer Charlies fresh produce. We began seasonal hanging baskets and mums. We grew the business and closer together. Now its just second nature to us to do this all day everyday, as a matter of fact I don’t think any of us remember life not being this way. We continue to bring our love of great food, herbs, and flowers to all of you! And we are so excited to share this journey with you.